Mobile Messaging for Health Service: ATS-Africa’s mobile health service solution suite is a revolutionary technology for health services. ATS-Africa has developed an array of complementary applications for telephone health services, enabling mobile communications with clients.
Cellular Services Revolution
Technological advances over the last decade have had a tremendous impact on the health services sector. In recent years, healthcare institutions started offering some informational and operational real-time services via the Internet. As part of their service enhancements and reinforcements, healthcare providers have introduced new, complementary mobile medical service technology. Similar to its predecessors, mobile medical service leads to enhanced convenience and empowerment for customers, as well as greater productivity and efficiency for medical institutions. Unlike its predecessors, mobile medical service is a mass-market tool.
By leveraging the high penetration rate of the mobile phone and increased popularity and security of Short Message Service (SMS), mobile medical service enables organizations to cost effectively reach nearly their entire customer base. As a result, healthcare institutions discovered new opportunities to drive innovative personalized services, attract high-end clients, and market to their customer base – all leading to lower costs, higher revenues and greater profits. Recognizing the value cellular messaging delivers to the health services sector, ATS-Africa, a leading provider of mobile messaging solutions, offers a comprehensive solution that enables healthcare institutions to make the most of society’s mobile evolution.
Some studies have shown that by deploying text message notifications, the number of missed doctor appointments is reduced by 26%-39% and number of hospital visits by 33%-50%, thereby significantly increasing cost effectiveness.
Comprehensive Cellular Messaging Service Solutions for Enterprises
ATS-Africa’s end-to-end offering provides healthcare institutions, hospitals, laboratories, and emergency therapy services everything they need to maximize the power of medical-oriented mobile messaging. ATS-Africa’s vast mobile messaging experience and profound understanding of medical care services have led to the development of a three-layered modular offering. The offering includes a robust middleware platform that serves as a gateway for managing mobile messaging for operational and marketing needs.
Three-Layered Architecture:
ATS-Africa's health suite is built around unique architecture enabling the modular and flexible deployment of products based on the specific needs of healthcare institutions. The three-layered architecture is comprised of a secured connectivity layer, management platform and unique healthcare service applications.
Secured Connectivity creates a secure IT, two-way messaging channel between a healthcare institution and its customers via cellular operators. More information...
Large Account Application Gateway is a robust middleware platform that serves as a gateway for the central management of organizational messaging generated by applications, branches and business units at a healthcare institution. More information...
Application Suite includes an array of mobile healthcare applications such as doctor appointments, mobile marketing and other relevant information.More information...